Sprout the Game is now officially on IndieDB!
The week's been a pretty rough one with the day job giving me some serious hell as of late, but thanks to a lot of help from St1ka we managed to get the IndieDB page filled in enough to call completedish.
I also managed to register for the near-Philly game convention TooManyGames, which I am pretty dang excited about. June 14th-16th. If you are in the Philadelphia area, be there! Seriously, come check us out.
So until then, Murilo, Matt and I are going to be busy as heck trying to get everything ready to show. We hope to have a full fledged first level ready to play, set inside some kind of stand-in plot. We'll see how that goes.
Above is the original level design for Level 1, roughly sketched out. You can see a few similarities between this and the demo level we showed at T-MODE, but overall it's quite a bit different. I'll need to put in a fairly lengthy tutorial section before all this.
Anyway, ask questions. Email us. Go to IndieDB. Tell your friends. Donate good-vibes.
Thanks for following.
That image definitely spiked my interest.