Thursday, October 31, 2013

Obligatory Halloween Pun About Animations and Stuff

James Ghostetler's art for Sprout's Tale
It's got a cool kind of Mad Hatter look, doesn't it?
Before I get into anything else, we got some really really awesome fanart from James Ghostetler on Twitter:

We're getting pretty close to our midway goal, which is to have a trailer and demo level ready to possibly use as crowd funding tools. Features are being quickly struck off from the list of what's needed and I'm getting a short level ready for testing.

So that's all well and good, you say, but where's the proof? For now, I can't offer much. We've still got some tweaking to do (the jumping is behaving extremely erratically at the moment) and lots of animations to do before I can show a proper video without it looking like more of the same.

But Murilo's making some major strides through animations and we've got a much more Sprout-appropriate looking run cycle on its way. Last night we spent some time chatting about trying to get distinct aspects of a character across through minor changes in an animation. From what I've seen so far I'd say Murilo's managing to accomplish that.

Meanwhile, Mihai's been storming through our ever-growing feature list so that everything's starting to finally work together.

Not least of all are trees. Now modeled, animated, and coded, Sprout can once again throw down trees to make platforms and defeat enemies. Also they look pretty as all get out.

Murilo's also put together a little test scene using a few of the tree texture variations which you can have a look at by clicking this link. Fairy warning, it may take a minute to load.

Here's a gif of the animation:

I also took some time recently to make sure to get Sprout's name onto appropriate forum places. Going to try to hit weekly updates on all of them, despite the apparent tedium.

Alright if anyone reading has any cool ideas for rewards you'd like to see for a crowd-funding campaign, please let me know!

And always, don't forget to Like and Share and +1 and Retweet and all that other fine, fine stuff.

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